
Springtime 01

According to Martha Stewart's blog, "asparagus are edible shoots, commonly called spears. They rise early in the spring from underground stems called crowns. These perennial plants require patience and at least a few years to become a well-established patch in the garden. I made sure that an asparagus crop was planted when I first bought this farm several years ago."

So what is better tasting, thin spears or thick spears? It’s widely thought that thin asparagus are tastier, based on the notion that slender spears are younger. Again, according to Martha "that isn’t true because the thick spears are already thick when they poke up from the ground, and the thin spears will never get any fatter. The two are just different varieties. I like them both but prefer the thicker ones because they are firmer. It may also be because I want to be being contrary. Attached is a steaming rack.

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