

VTech is really doing some interesting things in the cordless phone market. This one seems like a great combination of cell-phone detailing and B&O inspired form. The finishes hold up really well in person too. Almost makes me think we should start having a home phone again.


.kv said...

We picked up this phone a couple of months ago. It's sweet. (Can I still use that word?) My only complaint is that the numbers on the base unit don't light up like the handset. It's a nice price too.

Aaron said...

Really? I think it has a little braun retro thing going too. Its only like $70 right?

.kv said...

mmmm... retro. yeah, i think for a buck20 you can get the base unit and a satellite.

.kv said...

Oh, I forgot to mention... and this might push you over the edge for picking this item up. You can answer your cell phone calls with this thing... Connect 1 or both of your cell phones via bluetooth and when you cell rings so does this and you just answer it. ...the magic of bluetooth strikes again.

Anonymous said...

I think that is pretty sweet. How thick is the instruction manual, like 14mm?