
A Team

Finally, is it me or is this what we have all been waiting for? A new A Team movie! This might even turn the economy around. Perhaps a new six million dollar man will be next, adjusted for inflation of course. Sorry but Liam Neeson is no George Peppard.


Anonymous said...

I am hoping they do not touch other things from my childhood to remake such as Back To The Future. I will be very sad when they get their hands on that. They no longer care about leaving something be OR updating it. If enough years go buy where a new audience has no frame of reference for the original, they see dollar signs and care not about the crappy script which has had 10 rewrites over the past decade. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

J, I know what you mean. What until you see what they did to the van.

.karl said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but smart casting if you want the lady folk on board. Liam Neeson could get me into the theatre for this one.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. You would go just to sit next to Karl for two hours.