Medical Design May Be
The idea of designing for medical products seems to be ever
evolving. At one time there was a simple formula for designing both medical
devices and pieces of diagnostic equipment: The designer took the concept, gave
it a simple, clean and precise yet approachable form and then colored it light
grey with accents of a surgical scrub blue-green and called it a
design-masterpiece. Since then things have changed drastically. I wonder if with
our population’s ever increasing health related issues and the need for health
related products becoming such a part of people’s everyday, the approach to
finding the most compelling design language has evolved to be more like designing
any other consumer product. I suppose this has been a natural evolution and
somewhat obvious since the use of things like blood pressure cuffs and aural
thermometers have moved from strictly doctors offices to person’s living rooms
and nightstands in the past decade or so.
Yes, the more I think about it, it does seem clear that, with more and
more healthcare technology moving into the hands of the consumer so should the change
in the design language. But there are other shifts that are less
obvious and more difficult to explain. Not long ago I helped design a
disposable surgical instrument and several of the surgeons expressed interest
in having the handle look like a Mont Blanc pen. And, on another project several
physicians thought it would be great to have their names scribed on the side of
a similar disposable instrument—think childhood pencil with your name on it,
except we are talking about a device that is intended to save a life. On a
third project, the descriptors mentioned when discussing the ideal grip still
included words like simple and precise with talk of making it look cool and
distinctive. Even though they only hold the instrument briefly and in private
they wanted to feel proud in doing so. Of
course, yes, there is confidence that comes from this pride and maybe we had
just stumbled onto an especially egotistical group of physicians. I don’t know.
However, on a sort of similar diagnostic equipment design project the
physicians and the assistants felt the final form should be similar to that of
an iphone. Some people just think everything should look like an iphone I
I was in the kitchen of a friend’s restaurant
the other day and noticed that they have a small defibrillator by the first aid
kit and the fire extinguisher. I feel like I know what a defibrillator should
look like and I know that being quick, safe, intuitive and easy to use are
imperative but how the design and engineering challenge changes when the device
lives in a restaurant for use by the sous chef instead of in and ER for use by
a physician is what makes being a product designer so rewarding.