John was just telling me that this is the car that his son wants as his first car. Not sure if it is a good car or not but you have to admire the kids style.
Nice idea with decent colors but the characterized form is a little too Shrek. Also, kids usually want their first watch to look more like a watch than a toy. For this demographic they would have been better off being a little bit more ipod and a little less toon town and the design should have emphasized clarity on the dial. Also, a better integrated case and band would have given it broader appeal and higher value perception.
The pattern/finish on this Kodak Playsport are interesting. Too bad that the product never took off. I never even saw it marketed. Only came across it today while doing research for another client. Eastman Kodak shares are trading at right around 34¢ today. Less than five years ago they were selling for around $30.00. Imagine all the fixed income people that took a beating on this one.
Six day road trip from San Francisco to Seattle including trips to Alcatraz, California Academy of Sciences, the redwoods, the giant dunes of Oregon, Portland Zoo, Pike's Place Market and seen here, the space needle. Suprisingly, the kids unanimously agreed that the Dunes were their favorite part.
Less contemporary but still interesting. i wonder if they are carved with a desire to connect to the purposes of the original masks from the Pacific Northwest or if the carvers are pursuing just the visual.
This red cedar and deer hide mask is also at the Stonington Gallery in Seattle but it is by Loren White. I would like to have seen some of the natural cedar left exposed. I bet that contrast with the green and orange would have been great.
Carved Mask at the Stonington gallery in Seattle. The colors are great but it is the subtle carving and horse hair details that make this stand out to me. If only I have $7000 to spend on a mask.
My father died today. One of my favorite memories with him was watching the Sci-Fi classic Blade Runner together in the theatre in 1982. I was 13 and the movie was way over my head but it was just the two of us and I loved it. If you have ever seen it you will know what I mean when I say it was over my head.
13th century carvings translated into lego statues. Really appropriate for Lego to do this since they borrowed so much from Rapa Nui for their Bionicle line.
Ok. So a couple people have asked for pictures of Annemarie instead of the flowers she has been getting. So, here she is wearing the pajamas Marlene sent and holding the lung vacuum know to us as the briefcase.
A couple people have asked me so for those looking to send something to Annemarie while she is in the hospital here is the contact info for the place that I have been using. They are very nice, thoughtful and creative. Most importantly Annemarie has been really enjoying everything they have brought. They tell us she will be there at least until Monday.
Zuzu’s Petals Brooklyn (718) 638-0918 Ask for Fonda
My friends at Zuzu's petals in Brooklyn have done it again! This arrangement is amazing and if you want to know what the flowers are let me know and I can find out, Pop.
interesting idea but a little too big and the proportions look heavy. I think that about 50% of the projects we are working on right now involve the iphone or at least reference it is some way. The only other time I can remember something having that kind of influence across all catagories was when the New Beetle came out.
New York Methodist hospital in Brooklyn was started in the late 1800's. The original structure and grounds are really impressive. Too bad the current structure is such an architectural failure. The current campus is inefficient, unremarkable, ugly and difficult to maintain.